Every lesson, every day a teacher reshapes students’ brains in his or her classroom, increasing knowledge, understanding, and future ability to take on challenging goals in students’ lives and careers. “Teachers Matter.” (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2018)
Working “with” the brain means facilitating the flow of incoming stimuli with how the brain processes information.
Are you a teacher or a learner/student?
We have written two books focusing on learning. One is for teachers to get the most out of their lessons and their students. The other book is designed for learners to help them learn and retain more information.
More about the Tips for Teachers Book: Teachers and trainers: Are you ready to create more Aha moments? Are you ready to help your students learn and truly understand more of the content you are presenting? Create Aha! Moments discusses how to convert “teachable moments” into “Aha! Now, I understand” moments, using clear language and metaphors that make the process easy to conceptualize and apply. When teachable moments are not converted into “Aha! Moments” valuable opportunities to facilitate learning are lost. To be able to consistently create “Aha! Moments,” teachers need to be aware of when teachable moments are likely to arise, expectantly await them, and be able to recognize them as soon as they present themselves. Then, with the conditions set for learning, teachers can employ high-quality feedback to ensure that learning happens, i.e., to ensure the learning “light bulbs” are illuminated!

More about the Tips for Learners book: This book was created to support you in your quest for knowledge and success. Think of it like an owner’s manual for making the best use of your brain. It answers the essential question: “As a student, how can I learn more and remember longer?” Read this book if you want to improve your learning skills.
The more you learn, the more you grow. Apply what is in this book and you can master each lesson in school and in life. Choose your goal, make a plan with a timeline, work your plan, and success will follow.
This book is intentionally designed to increase your knowledge, skills, and self-confidence. We provide insights into what your teacher is thinking as she prepares a lesson or assignment to help you learn. These insights ensure that you target the most important information first. This is a key. Learn what is most important first and the rest will follow.
Throughout this book, we share stories to illustrate main points and inspire you to take charge of your own learning. As you become an intentional learner, you will create your own vision and exercise your freedom to learn and grow.
The ideas in this book are valuable for learners of all ages. Make use of the ideas that help you the most. You can contact us with questions and suggestions using the contact us form in the createahamoments.com website.

Hear what people are saying about our Tips for Teachers book:
“While this book Create AHA! Moments delivers exquisitely on its promise to help teachers be more effective in reaching all students through applying research regarding how the human brain learns, it goes beyond this. As an assessment professional, I know that the linkage between effective teaching and learning environments is essential to quality assessment practice. Create AHA! Moments is a must read for assessment professionals to add to their scholarly reading list!”
– Vicki L. Wise, PhD, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, Oregon State University, College of Public Health and Human Sciences and Co-author of Student Affairs Assessment, Evaluation and Research: A Guidebook for Graduate Students and New Professionals.
“I was excited to learn of the Book co-authored by Dr. Bhola as a resource for teachers who want to shift the focus of schooling from teaching to learning. He is my go-to source for help in how to make formative assessment dynamic and practical for teachers in the classroom.”
– Dr. Galen Boldt, Interim Superintendent Johnson County Central and Former Superintendent of Wahoo Public Schools
“Having taught students from the seventh grade to graduate level, this book would have been invaluable to me in enhancing the learning opportunities for my students. Quite simply stated, it would have helped me be a better teacher in planning ways for me to help my students in learning and retaining the subject matter. I would recommend this book to educators at all levels AND to parents who are actively involved in their children’s education.”
– Dr. Richard Harding, Retired Senior Vice-President of Research at the Gallup Organization and Statistics Professor, Doane College, Lincoln, Nebraska.